Also, I want to offer congrats to Christian Lopez, who caught the home run, which was Jeter's 3,000 hit and returned it, not looking for anything. Not too may people like that are left in this world. I'm just glad to see the Yankees compensate him with bats, balls, autos and free suite for the rest of the season, including playoffs and world series play.
So, I wanted to celebrate Jeter's feat by showing off my favorite Jeter memrobillia in my Yankees collection. Everyday for the rest of the week, I will show off something Jeter. Today, we start off with this beauty from Fleer Legacy

There is a piece of game used baseball and base inside this card. I thought it was pretty unique when I saw it at a card show and bought it for 7.00. I would have prefered a game used ball, but for what I paid for it, it's a pretty cool card to have in the Yankees collection.
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